ESV: Daily Reading Bible

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tested Armor

1 Samuel 17:38 Then Saul clothed David with his armor. He put a helmet of bronze on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail, 39 and David strapped his sword over his armor. And he tried in vain to go, for he had not tested them. Then David said to Saul, “I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them.” So David put them off. 40 Then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd's pouch. His sling was in his hand, and he approached the Philistine.
In war there is no opportunity to do test drive equipment. If one has the choice between something that feels stronger and something that is known to work, the latter might very well be the logical choice. It is interesting then to note that David is leaning on two 'known' stengths, in spite of voices which question his decision making. First, he trusts in God. Secondly, he trusts in the weapons of his day to day warfare, sling and stone, rather than sword and armor. This should be a lesson to me to trust in God from day to day, using the weapons of daily spiritual warfare in a way that builds spiritual muscle and trust. When goliaths appear, I shouldn't grasp for unfamiliar weapons with which I have no ability. God willing I will have some means of using the things I have practiced with.

1 comment:

Esther Plaster said...

i really like the imagery in this selection, having just watched Prince Caspian - the bronze helmet, the heavy coat of mail, the leather of the strap and the sword slung over his armor. then the five smooth stones from the brook - something about the choosing of those stones. they would have been so familiar in his hand, the mail so unfamiliar. no wonder he didn't want to use saul's armor and sword. he knew his element and he also knew that most of all, the Lord would grant him victory. for aslan!!!!!!

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